PhosLocker® was created in Phoenix, Arizona, by Frank Kneib.
Frank Kneib, MBA, CPESC, CPO, has 27 years in the pool industry, focusing on aquatic facilities and new technologies. His specialties include his patented natural biopolymers applications in petrochemical, industrial wastewater, and stormwater. Frank's expertise in water treatment is sought globally for consultation and design of industrial treatment systems. Frank consults for regulatory bodies including state agencies and the EPA.
Frank is the technologist behind Phoslocker and its application in pools.

How it Works

Why Choose PhosLocker®?
No Wait Time
Use the pool right away without clouding!
No loading filtration equipment.
No second trip.
Subtractive Technology
No added chemicals = Better water quality
PhosLocker® doesn't add Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) to your water
Cost Effective
Less draining and filling required.
Quick and Easy
Just drop it in and let it get to work!
30 Days of Use
PhosLocker® remains in the pool treating continuously for one month.
No Measuring
Every package comes with a
ready-to-use pouch!

Get in Touch
2921 W. Osborn Rd, Ste C.
Phoenix, AZ 85017
(602) 641-8282
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
PhosLocker®, like other phosphate removal products, does not replace the need for standard disinfection products, but it can work synergistically with any type of disinfection system in the market today. Daily, even hourly variations in disinfectant levels can create a situation where algae has a chance to thrive and the expense of killing an algae bloom is significantly more than a preventive product like PhosLocker®. Use PhosLocker® as a simple layer of protection to keep pool water clean.
PhosLocker® is the CLEAR choice in Phosphate removal.